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Picture of Tilly Stevens

Tilly Stevens

Tilly Stevens is an archaeologist. She grew up in Sydney and works in the UK where she’s been able to dig up Roman forts and the like. She has been tutoring high school students since 2011, specialising in Ancient, Modern and Extension history, English and providing essay writing workshops.

Tilly has been involved with LearnFast Group since 2014 when she began working to help distribute Fast ForWord learning programs to schools and homes. She did this while completing her final year of her Undergraduate degree at Macquarie University, Sydney before moving to York in the UK to study a Masters degree in Field Archaeology.

Tilly is also an avid dancer, participating in (and teaching) many forms of dance. This includes most forms of partner dancing from ballroom and Latin to salsa and west coast swing. She is also very passionate about all things Italian – food, wine, language and history. It is this passion which led her to visit the country 4 years in a row and to participate in several seasons of excavations in Tuscany.

Pupils listening to their teacher at map at the elementary school.jpeg

Paying Attention: It's Harder Than You Think

We might think this is a simple case of distraction. But attention is in fact a much more complex function than most people realise. Do you ever forget what you came into a room to get? Or, have you ever been listening to an audio book only to realise that you stopped paying attention several pages back?

The following article by speech language pathologist and neuroscience educator, Dr Martha Burns, explains attention and describes how we can improve it by specific types of training. 

In fact, trying to figure out exactly what attention is, and why some children find it easier than others, especially in school, has been the focus of psychologists for years.  As adults, we realise that the ability to attend carefully to a task, ignore distractions and stick with it, is something that takes time for children to develop.

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Fast ForWord Founder: Award for Contribution to Neuroscience

Fast ForWord founder Dr. Michael Merzenich has been awarded the Charles L Branch Brain Health Award by the University of Texas for his extraordinary contribution to neuroscience. 

Last year Dr Merzenich was also given the highest honour possible in the field of neuroscience – The Kavli Prize. This saw him granted a gold medal by the King of Norway and a banquet in his honour in the same venue as the Nobel Peace Prize.  

Dr Merzenich’s discovery of lifelong brain plasticity revolutionised the neuroscience world.

Plasticity describes the brain’s ability to learn by creating new connections between neurons within the brain.

Originally, it was thought that brains were only ‘plastic’ during early childhood as the brain developed. But Dr Merzenich’s research proved brains could change and adapt well into adulthood.

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Improve Executive Function with Fast ForWord123 Exercises

Your brain is an amazing organ. Countless studies, experiments and articles have shown us this. The complexities and inner-workings of this powerhouse are still yet to be fully explored. 

Have you ever stopped to think what controls your brain? What prevents it from becoming mere chaos?

Well, it’s called Executive Function, and you need to know about it.

What is Executive Function and why do we need it?

Executive Function acts like the ultimate synthesiser – the general, one might say. It encompasses a range of abilities many people think are merely part of day-to-day functioning. These include:

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